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Premiere: astronomers take birth planet

Premiere: astronomers take birth planet
Astronomers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have for the first time observed a planet that is born 450 light years from Earth. The astronomers had a new star to the study and noted in this connection that the star around which planets to the forms. This evolution has never been observed.

Gas giants seem a gap in the material around the star. They use gravity to collect material from the outer ring around the star, so the star grows. Theoretical simulations have such bridges between the outer and inner parts of rings around stars earlier predicted, but never before has there been observed.

The international team of astronomers has already partially finished Atacama Large Millimeter / sub millimeter Array (ALMA), in the Chilean desert, used to study the young star. They identified two thin gasdraden that of the outer disk to the inner disk streamed over a wide gap.

"The only mechanism that currently such dense molecular currents can produce planet's formation," reported Simon Casassus of the Chilean university. "We think there is hidden behind a large planet and that she is the cause of these two streams. The planets are larger by absorbing gas from the outer disk, but they spill a lot. With the surplus gas is the inner disk around the star fed ', says Sebastian Perez, who contributed to the study Wednesday in the scientific journal Nature published.

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